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You, dear reader, are a human being. And as a human being, you are naturally curious, a little bit self-conscious, and maybe even competitive about sex

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Click on Submit and then scroll down for fun statistics and your astrological data.

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This interactive calculator allows users to explore the efficiency of different forms of “sexercise” as well as their more traditional workout equivalents.

This calorie calculator estimates the number of calories needed each day to maintain, lose, or gain weight. It provides results for the number of necessary calories based on a one or two-pound gain or loss per week.

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Shettles Method: How Do I Select Gender by Timing Sex to Ovulation

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This free ideal weight calculator estimates ideal healthy bodyweight based on age, gender, and height. Compare the results of several popular formulas, or explore hundreds of other calculators addressing fitness, health, finance, math, and more. – the complete marathon resource and community. Complete directory of marathons, marathon results, athlete and race news, marathon history, training schedules, chat, email, marathoning humor – everything for the marathon runner and marathon fan.

Our ovulation calendar can help predict when you ovulate to increase your chances of getting pregnant. Create your own personalized fertility calendar at Ovulation-Calculator…

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Determine when you are most fertile or when you can have safer sex with our fertility calculator.

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Have you ever wondered how many calories you burn during sex? Well wonder no longer, as our Sex Calorie Calculator from UK Medix can tell you!

About: TammieGoold