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Ethnic group: Ethnic group, a social group or category of the population that, in a larger society, is set apart and bound together by common ties …

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There are many different ethnic groups in the United States.Most people in the United States have ancestors who came from somewhere else, often from multiple places. Some people say their ancestry is “American”; often these are people from the Southern United States whose families have been living in America since before the American Revolution.

When people discuss “globalists” or the “elites”, they often seem to refer to individuals and corporations rather than entire countries.

The 2010 U.S. Census left off questions about ancestry to avoid controversy, though the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey separately tracks Hispanic and Latino origin, Asian origin, American Indian and Alaska Native tribal groupings, and various other ancestry groups. African American, which

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The following is a list of contemporary ethnic groups.There has been constant debate over the classification of ethnic groups. Membership of an ethnic group tends to be associated with shared cultural heritage, ancestry, history, homeland, language or dialect, the term culture specifically including aspects such as religion, mythology and

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Germany – Ethnic groups: The Germans, in their various changes of territory, inevitably intermingled with other peoples. In the south and west they overran Celtic peoples, and there must at least have been sufficient communication for them to adopt the names of physical features such as rivers and hills; the names Rhine, Danube, and Neckar, for

The indigenous inhabitants were Indians, chiefly of Tupi-Guaraní stock, and other small groups in the Amazon Basin and the lowlands of the Paraguay and Paraná rivers.

Argentina’s population is overwhelmingly European in origin (principally from Spain and Italy); there is little mixture of indigenous peoples.

Ethno-linguistic groups that arrived from outside Europe during historical times are: Phoenician colonies in the Mediterranean (including regions in Spain, France, Malta, Italy and the Aegean), from about 1200 BC to the fall …

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Society Largest Ethnic Groups In Syria. Arabs comprise around three-quarters of the Syrian population, while Kurds, Turkmen, and Assyrians are …

About: TammieGoold