In the spring of 1945, Ronald Reagan sent David Conover to the Radioplane Corporation, manufacturer of radio-controlled miniature planes used …

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The legend. The blonde. The original sex symbol. The troubled Marilyn Monroe who struggled in private with depression and anxiety. The public superstar who blossomed as one of the greatest Hollywood bombshells of all time.

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Marilyn Monroe’s friend Frieda Hull kept the color pictures she took of pregnant Marilyn private until Frieda’s death in 2014. The images were taken in …

Andre de Dienes (born Andor György Ikafalvi-Dienes, December 18, 1913 – April 11, 1985) was a Hungarian photographer, noted for his work with Marilyn Monroe and his nude photography

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The following excerpt is from “The Marilyn Encyclopedia” :. Before posing for her famous calendar shots taken by photographer Tom Kelley, Marilyn had turned down many offers to pose nude.

Twelve intimate shots of Marilyn Monroe showcasing the Hollywood starlet enjoying sparklers in her birthday cake and swimming nude are …

With her platinum blonde hair and signature red lipstick, Marilyn Monroe (who would have celebrated her 91st birthday on the 1st of June) is easily one of the

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The official profile of Marilyn Monroe on

When Marilyn Monroe died on Aug. 5, 1962, she left behind a series of contradictions. The actress panicked easily, but basked in public attention.

Marilyn Monroe was an American actress, comedienne, singer, and model. She became one of the world’s most enduring iconic figures and is remembered

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About: TammieGoold