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8 of the best Spanish words as you’ve never seen them before: my eight favorite Spanish words, illustrated with awesome GIFs, offer a window into the Spanish language and the people’s mindset.

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Overdrive and distortion . The market overflows with overdrive and distortion pedals. It can be a tough challenge to decide and to find pedals that suits your rig and purpose.

Nomenclature. Whereas an abbreviation may be any type of shortened form, such as words with the middle omitted (for example, Rd for road or Dr for Doctor), an acronym is a word formed from the first letter or first few letters of each word in a phrase (such as sonar, created from so und na vigation and r anging).

Nautical & Sailing Terms & Nomenclature In Honor of Doyle and Virginia McClain of the sailing vessels Eric and Reverie Who guided their ships through the Caribbean

Lorem Ipsum: Quality typographic filler text for webmasters. The dummy copy at this site is made from a dictionary of 500 words from Cicero’s original source and the text fragments traditionally added.

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This guideline is a part of the English Wikipedia’s Manual of Style.. It is a generally accepted standard that editors should attempt to follow, though it is best treated with common sense, and occasional exceptions may apply.

Port Manteaux churns out silly new words when you feed it an idea or two. Enter a word (or two) above and you’ll get back a bunch of portmanteaux created by jamming together words that are conceptually related to your inputs.

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An easy-to-understand introduction to energy. What is it, how do we use it, and will we ever run out? Includes many useful photos and charts.

Colossal Collective is a group of creative individuals that volunteer their time to build large-scale puppets with donations and grant money for …

Big Muff . Everyone seems to offer their version of the Big Muff these days. Some close to the original models. Others with new features and variations.

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About: TammieGoold