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My hands and my feet started to get very red about 3 or 4 years ago for no apparent reason. It has gotten worse as I’ve gotten older. My hands and feet will get really hot and red. If I do any physical activity my hands and feet will turn very red and be very hot and I can feel the heat radiating

Question: I am a woman in my 40s who recently developed red spots on my legs. These began to spread and now cover most of my legs. They do not itch or hurt but are very unsightly.I went to a

I am a 23 , female. For years I’ve gotten red, hot, painful spots on my feet. I get them on my big toe, heel, and sides of my feet. They are very

Red spots on the top of the feet could be caused by complications with diabetes or blisters and calluses from poorly fitting footwear, according to eMedicineHealth. A fungal infection of the skin can also cause red spots that may become itchy or irritated. Red spots on the top of the feet may also

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An ice hockey rink is an ice rink that is specifically designed for ice hockey, a team competing sport.Alternatively it is used for other sports such …

Mar 07, 2018 · New Jersey Weather. N.J. weather: Snowfall forecasts now up to 2 feet for some spots in latest update

I seem to have frecle size red spots all down the frount of my legs and now the tops of my feet. they appear like little blood spots. There is no itch. I mention to my DR.

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The possible causes of red skin on feet and ankles are varied. Diagnosis will depend on whether the redness is also itchy or sore, swollen or hot to the touch, unified or blotchy, and whether there are other accompanying symptoms.

Red spots on skin can have many causes. The red spot may be, bumpy, itchy, or otherwise irritated. The pictures show typical causes and treatments.

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Red spots on the roof of your mouth can be caused by a variety of different reasons. Some are just a inconvenience, while… Read more at

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About: TammieGoold